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SEED Jump-Starter 250ml Bottle Liquid Fertiliser

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  • Seed Jump-Starter™ is an entirely natural and organic seed and plant stimulant used successfully in stimulating strong germination of most seed varieties and promoting the healthy growth of seedlings. Seed Jump-Starter™ contains a range of naturally occurring compounds including plant hormones that have been shown to have a beneficial impact on improving plant establishment, including during seed germination, seedling transplant, propagation or just simply repotting. Strong establishment of plants is the foundation for long-term plant health and is also critical in ensuring plants perform well throughout their various growth stages.

    The detailed mode-of-action description for Seed Jump-Starter™ is outlined in the Technical Details section (below). In short, the success of Seed Jump-Starter™ in stimulating strong seed germination in a range of plants (including herbs, vegetables, flowers, trees and other ornamentals) is a result of the stimulants in Seed Jump-Starter™ triggering the germination process (ends dormancy and commence seed imbibition) resulting in quicker, more even and more successful germination, as well as healthier and more vigorous seedlings.

    Seed Jump-Starter™ is also available as part of the Plant Propagation Kit and is available exclusively through The Climbing Fig.

    What we love

    • Stimulates strong germination (ends dormancy and rapidly initiates seed imbibition)
    • Promotes healthy seedling growth in a wide range of plants, ensuring heavier flowering (and fruiting where applicable) throughout the season
    • Improved plant health ensures increased resistance to pests and diseases
    • Improved root system development

    Technical Details

    • Phytoactive compounds, including natural PGR's (plant growth regulators, such as auxins and cytokinins)
    • Nutrition, including bioactive macronutrients Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Potassium (N, P, K) and more than 8 trace-elements
    • Amino acids, proteins and vitamins

    Improvements in root system development in plants treated with Seed Jump-Starter™ is due to adventitious root initiation and development, triggered by the optimal ratio of auxins to cytokinins contained in Seed Jump-Starter™. Increased root-tip development also has been shown to increase the plant-uptake of calcium, which strengthens cell walls, providing increased resistance to both biotic (pests and diseases) and abiotic (drought, frost and similar) stresses.

    Similarly the impact of Seed Jump-Starter™ on breaching dormancy in seeds and assisting seedling development is a result of well-understood biochemical pathways. The active ingredients of Seed Jump-Starter™ have been researched and studied in laboratories and in the field for more than a decade and this know-how is now available directly to plant enthusiasts in Australia, courtesy of The Climbing Fig.

    What am I Purchasing?

    • Ready-to-use spray bottle of Seed Jump-Starter™, of selected spray bottle size
  • This convenient spray bottle of Seed Jump-Starter™ has been formulated to the optimal dose required to stimulate strong germination of most seed varieties and promoting the healthy growth of seedlings. Simply spray seeds and allow to absorb and/or air dry for a few minutes before sowing seeds. Repeat foliar applications can be applied fortnightly, as required.