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Osmocote Exact 8-9 Month Controlled Slow Release Fertiliser Tablets

Inc. GST + FREE Shipping
  • Osmocote Exact tablets provide the ultimate in convenience for a high analysis controlled release fertiliser with a complete range of essential nutrients. Simply push in the fertiliser tablets into potting mix, and walk away, knowing your plants will receive all the nutrition they need!

    Osmocote Exact tablets are a premium, controlled release high-analysis fertiliser, providing a practical option to provide precise nutrition to plants growing in pots, for 8 - 9 months, ensuring healthy plant growth. Osmocote Exact tables are a popular option for advanced trees, hanging baskets and planters, where it may be impractical to provide nutrition more frequently.

    Osmocote Exact tables are made from a very high analysis fertiliser containing all the essential nutrients required for healthy plant growth and is suitable for most plant types including flowers & ornamentals, fruit trees as well as bonsai (at lower application rates). Osmocote Exact tablets are built with an environmentally friendly adhesive which is water soluble. After watering the plants, the tablets fall apart and are locked within the growing medium. The individual fertiliser granules are fully coated with a new generation matrix which provides constant and extended nutrient release (for 8 - 9 months) therefore helping growers avoid surges and leaching of important plant nutrients which belong in your pots or garden soil, not in our precious waterways.

    Osmocote Exact tablets are a professional grade product used widely by the nursery industry in Australia, particularly in the cultivation of perennial plants in pots and planter bags.

    What we love about Osmocote Exact Tablets

    • High macronutrient (NPK) analysis
    • High micronutrient (Trace Element, TE) range
    • Sustained nutrient release profile (feeds plants for 8 - 9 months)
    • Nutrient release profile closely matches plant nutrient requirements
    • Nutrients maintained within the potting-mix
    • Suitable for a wide range of plants
    • Great value for money
    • Safe, reliable & easy to use

    Product Details & Specifications

    • Osmocote Exact tablets are packaged into resealable LDPE bags for ease of transport and use.
    • Individual Osmocote Exact tablets measure approximately 22m in length and 20mm x 20mm at the top of the tablets.
    • Whilst the manufacturer indicates that the individual tablets weigh 5g each, actual measurements indicate the real weight is closer to 5.3g. In any case, these tablets are sold on a weight-basis (g), therefore, the tablet count is provided as a guide only and the actual number of tablets delivered may vary slightly.

    What am I purchasing?

    • Osmocote Exact Tablets (8 - 9month slow release), of selected pack size
  • For indicative application rates, refer to the tables below or the second image in the gallery.

    Garden Situation Application Rate
    Young plants including seedlings 1 tablet per 2L of seed raising mix
    Pot plants 1 tablet per 1L of potting mix
    Garden beds 2 - 8 tablets per square metre of garden
    Native plants Use lower rates, generally half
  • For nutrient analysis as guaranteed by manufacturer, refer to the tables below or the second image in the gallery.


    6.2% nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N)
    7.8% ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4-N)
    6% water soluble
    11% water soluble
    11% water soluble


    0.41% Iron (Fe)
    0.07% EDTA chelated
    0.05% Manganese (Mn)
    0.046% Copper (Cu)
    0.02% Boron (B)
    0.018% Molybdenum (Mo)
    0.013% Zinc (Zn)