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Esi-Root Plant Propagation Hormone 500ml Concentrate

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  • Esi-Root is a scientifically formulated rooting hormone that provides a superior strike of cuttings - both hardwood and softwood. Esi-root is faster and more effective than most conventional hormone preparations, and until now, has only been available to commercial growers. This unique hormone formulation can be used as either a dip, dunk, or a spray, for a given application, in order to improve the vegetative propagation (cuttings) of a range of plant species.

    Please note this is a commercial grade product (registered with the APVMA), therefore is provided as a concentrate which must be diluted and used in compliance with the product label (as provided in the photo gallery, and/or the bottle).

    Depending on the applicable dilution rate, the 500ml bottle can make up to 200L of spray solution to support commercial-scale plant propagation.

    What we love

    Esi-Root has been scientifically researched and proven to be effective in improving plant propagation. Some of the advantages include:

    • Two hormones - contains NAA as well as IBA. Research shows that a combination of these two plant hormones is generally more effective across a wider range of species than IBA alone, which is common is most rooting gels and powders.
    • No Alcohol - unlike many gels, Esi-Root doesn't use alcohol to dissolve the hormone, therefore is non-phytotoxic to plants. The effective delivery system used in Esi-Root requires a lower concentration of hormones, thus reducing the risk of burning, further increasing the strike rate.
    • Wetting Agent - helps break down surface tension, wax and sap, resulting in more effective delivery of the hormones to the cutting.
    • Widely Researched & Trialled - Esi-Root has been extensively researched and trialled, and is used on a wide range of natives and exotics, for both softwood and hardwood cuttings.

    What am I Purchasing?

    • 500ml easy-dispense bottle of Esi-Root Concentrate, of selected pack size
  • Dilute solutions (as per below dilution rates) of Esi-Root are suitable for Dunking, Dipping & Spraying. More detailed application information can be found on the product label, a photo of which is provided in the photo gallery. The bottle includes an integrated measuring chamber, to assist in ensuring accurate dosages can be prepared, with little effort.

    Application Dilution Rate
    Dunking 10ml per 4 litres of water
    Dipping 25ml per 1 litre of water
    Hard to strike species 25ml per 1 litre of water