Aloe Ferox varieties are native to South Africa where the range of endemic species is believed to be greater than 100 different varieties. Aloe Ferox Firestarter is a brilliant Aloe variety selected specifically for its spectacularly large crimson flower spikes that are generally quite rare in cultivated species, compared to the common orange-yellow flowering varieties. This beautiful perennial succulent has elegant silvery green foliage which not only provides bold textural contrast for the red flower spikes, but also provides an attractive and stylish foliar backdrop to both modern and traditional gardens alike. This heavy flowering variety produces long-lasting flowers spikes that provide months of colour at a time. The flower spikes are suitable in large cut flower floral displays, however are mostly grown in rockery style gardens as these plants are highly drought tolerant, once established. Aloe varieties are typically easy to grow and provide spectacular colour when in flower. Aloe Ferox Firestarter is an improved selection of the traditional species of Aloe Ferox.