he variety Lettuce Champagne Mignonette is a popular butterhead lettuce variety with sweet and crisp bronzed green leaves that occasionally take on a brown or burgundy tone, depending on the amount of sunlight they are receiving. One of the real advantages of Lettuce Champagne Mignonette is its slow-bolt nature, where most varieties generally bolt (flower) as the weather gets warmer, Lettuce Champagne Mignonette remains in a vegetative phase, which means the plants and leaves can be harvested for an extended period, making this variety a popular option from hydroponic growers. If you are looking at adding this variety to your hydroponics setup, check out our range of net pots, jiffy pellets and propagation kits at our store. Lettuce Champagne Mignonette is generally resistant to common pests and diseases that typically affect vegetable gardens and remains harvestable (does not go to flower) for an extended duration. This variety is a favourite for the home veggie-garden, as it is easy to grow and is generally harvested in only 6 - 8 weeks from first sowing, therefore providing quick rewards.