Papaver Alpinum Hybrid Alpine Poppy is a modern (hybrid) variant of the dwarf alpine poppy that occurs naturally across the alpine regions of central and northern Europe. Papaver Alpinum Hybrid Alpine Poppy is the most compact of all the poppy varieties and is sure to impress everyone from the most experienced garden critics through to beginners. This variety consists of a range of colours from the off-white vanilla, through to soft peach, pale pinks and a stunning canary yellow. Like all true alpine poppies, Papaver Alpinum Hybrid Alpine Poppy produces beautifully soft fern-like foliage and flowers through late Spring and into Summer, with a follow-up flowering season in Autumn, if in an appropriate environment. Alpine poppies are not drought tolerant like other poppies and do not tolerate fertilising well. They generally prefer a nutrient depleted section of yard where they can get established, and eventually be naturalised, popping up the following Spring to provide more colour.