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Jacaranda Mimosifolia Seeds

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Jacaranda Mimosifolia is a brilliant variety of tree jacaranda. This elegant tree produces interesting and peculiar fern-like foliage which is punctuated by an amazing blanket of mauve/lilac flowers that engulf the entire tree canopy for several months. The flowers of Jacaranda Mimosifolia are blend of mauve-purple when they first emerge and fade to a light lilac colour. Jacaranda Mimosifolia is a quick-growing large tree, suitable as a feature or as part of a large landscape. Jacaranda Mimosifolia is suitable as a bonsai, provided the germinated seeds are grown in a low-organic matter soil, to ensure the plant is not to vigorous. The tap-root should either be snipped or curled (J-rooted) within the first 8-weeks, to ensure the plant remains suitable for bonsai.

Advantages of Jacaranda Mimosifolia

  • Long flowering season
  • Beautiful fern-like foliage
  • Majestic specimen plant ideal for high-impact feature
  • Large long-lived tree


  • 3 - 5m height in the 5 years, but can grow as tall as 10m over the years
  • 10m apart is suitable planting distance though these are generally planted as features
  • Suitable for part-shade and full sun
  • Drought tolerant
  • Suitable for pots and will grow in most regions of Australia
  • Hardy semi-deciduous tree

Seed Sowing Instructions

  • Easy to follow seed propagation notes are provided with every seed purchase
  • Seeds of this variety are best started in seed raising mix or Jiffy® pellets before planting into the garden

What am I Purchasing?

  • Premium seeds of Jacaranda Mimosifolia
  • Easy to follow seed propagation notes