Calendula Pacific Beauty Collection is a popular summer annual producing very large semi-double to double flowers in beautiful yellow, orange and cream tones, ideal for high-end bedding displays or pots. Similar to common marigolds, Calendula Pacific Beauty Collection is very easy to grow, quick to flower and provides spectacular colour over an extended period. Calendula Pacific Beauty Collection is excellent with shedding spent flowers and continually producing more fresh and bright flowers. The spectacularly large flowers provide a great display whether planted individually or as part of a much larger display. Calendula plants are used in a range of culinary, herbal and medicinal uses. The petals are used in salads, whilst extracts are believed to provide a range of medical benefits ranging from anti-inflammatory properties to the treatment of a range of diseases, including dermatitis. Notwithstanding its many uses, we love Calendula Pacific Beauty Collection for what it does best, produce masses of beautiful summer colour. Calendula plants are commonly used as companion plants in vegetable and herb gardens, as they act as a natural pest repellent for many common vegetable pests.