Gazania Aztec Hybrids is a modern hybrid polyploid variety of Gazania. This extremely large flowering variety (flowers >10cm across) is a well-performing bedding selection that has a healthy plant habit consisting of beautifully dark green foliage. As Gazania Aztec Hybrids is a hybrid of pure form, the flowers produced by this variety are of spectacularly bright colours consisting predominantly of large pure red, orange, yellow, purple and white flowers, with only a few zebra striped selections.
This recently released superior variety of Gazania is an enormous improvement compared to the naturalised or species varieties which are commonly found in cottage gardens, farmhouses gardens or sometimes sold by nurseries that refuse to move with the times! Gazania Aztec Hybrids can be interplanted with a range of other summer flowering annuals, including Alyssum, Portulaca, Marigolds and Vincas.