Callistemon Viminalis Scarlet Who is an improved form (cultivar selection) of Callistemon Viminalis, a hardy red-flowering bottlebrush, native to the East coast of Australia. Callistemon Viminalis, also known as either Weeping Bottlebrush or Melaleuca Viminalis is a large shrub or small tree typically growing up to 6 - 7m in its native habitat, producing beautifully scented foliage and of course the stunningly spectacular display of floral colour in the Spring through to Summer. Callistemon Viminalis Scarlet Who is a more compact form typically growing to 3 - 4m and with improved flowering seasonality resulting in a much longer flowering season, with the stunning display of distinctly scarlet red flowers typically lasting throughout Summer and into Autumn. Callistemon Viminalis Scarlet Who can either be planted closely (1 - 2m spacing) to provide an informal screen, or further apart to provide a brilliant specimen, straight from the Australian bush.
Callistemon Viminalis Scarlet Who grows well in dry and/or well drained soils as it is quite drought tolerant once established. As a hardy, compact and drought tolerant variety, with a strong evergreen nature, Callistemon Viminalis Scarlet Who is very well suited for use as a bonsai specimen, on the condition the plant receives some direct sunlight, even if only filtered light at some point during the day.