Brunfelsia Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow is a delightful compact evergreen shrub which provides a brilliant display of colour in Spring and into early Summer. The beautifully fragrant flowers of Brunfelsia Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow start as a beautiful deep purple colour, fading to a mauve or lilac colour, and ultimately white. This Brunfelsia variety has earned the common name Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow as at any given time during the flowering season, the plant will be covered with flowers of purple, mauve and white, providing a spectacular and somewhat intriguing display of colour.
This variety of Brunfelsia Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow is a modern variety, therefore produces more compact growth and fragrant flowers than the more common species varieties of Brunfelsia, sometimes incorrectly referred to as Brunsfelsia.
Brunfelsia Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow is also suitable as a bonsai, provided the seeds are germinated in either Jiffy pellets for a shallow compact root system, or in a low-organic matter soil to ensure the plants are not very vigorous. If the young plants are not being started in Jiffy pellets, the tap-root should either be snipped or curled (J-rooted) within the first 8 - 12 weeks of germination, to ensure the plant remains optimally suited for bonsai.